
Your Boundaries Guide and Cheerleader.

D’arby Rose (she/they) empowers individuals and businesses to set and implement boundaries in the workplace through confidence-boosting, neurodivergence-nourishing and inclusive skills and tools. With fifteen plus years of working in the film and entertainment industry and corporate america, exploring her own neurodivergence, fighting for her rights as a mixed racial queer women in dozens of workplaces, she’s discovered many tools and methods for boundary setting – one of her main passions and purposes in life.

Through private 1:1 sessions, shared resources, and workshops, she empowers folks (namely neurodivergent/neurospicy babes participating in decolonization) with skills, tools, and knowledge to navigate workplace challenges, nourish our relationship with our own neurodivergence, foster self-confidence, and decolonize our work from within. By providing tailored services, she’s driven to create a positive and increased impact on both self and collective advocating for inclusivity and equity in professional environments.

Book About D’arby


  • Explore, set, implement and maintain boundaries.
  • Nourish our relationship with our own neurodivergence.
  • Strengthen our relationship with our own self within the context of community and anti-capitalism.
  • Decolonize* your mind while both working in capitalism and keeping your job so you can keep paying those bills.

* Decolonization is ongoing work, not a one-time thing, and not all of the work is going to happen during my consultations and workshops. I contribute only a tiny slice of the work to the big collective radical world of work currently happening, that has been happening, and will continue to happen.

Boundaries are essential to safety and success

in and out of the workplace. They are valid and sound requests and accommodations needed to thrive and succeed in the workplace and are not a threat.

Capitalism and white supremacy must be dismantled

and to get here we must come together into the same collective consciousness about this radical goal (but isn’t being radical really just wanting basic human needs???), but in the meantime capitalism will continue, imperialism will crumble and scramble, and bills will continue to be due. This work has taken time and will continue to take time. Thank you to those before us who have started and driven the work forward to today. Thank you to those who do this work today and in the future.

Power to the people.

As we cannot lean on our government and white supremacist-created institutions to make real inclusive change, we also cannot always rely on our employers and managers to make real inclusive change in our workplace, unless they are willing to make radical changes themselves personally and then professionally. We must reclaim our power collectively.

Neurodiversity and disabilities must be included in DEI work.

We all deserve to be included in any and all spaces. We have the power and deserve to be authentic and accommodated in all ways in our jobs.

Amazing! Having D’arby to talk with and help problem solve has been indispensable. Having D’arby in your corner helps keep everyone safe and on track.

– Nicholas, Crew Assistance

D’arby went above and beyond during my 1-on-1 course. I learned an unbelievable amount in such a short time and I think that speaks to the passion she brings to empowering others while being completely REAL and approachable. Her energy is contagious and I can’t wait to apply what I’ve learned to my own projects and life! Will be recommending a course with D’arby to all the freelancers & creatives I know.

– Lola, Build Services & Rates Package Course

It was very informative with a quick turnaround. Very thorough with room to ask questions along with not being too overwhelming. Appreciated the next day follow up that also included PDFs and editable docs that was used during the session so I can go back reference anything I may have missed and/or forgotten.

– Tracy, Private Consultation

Excellent! She answered all of my questions and provided exceptional resources. I would highly recommend her services.

– Hazel, Employment Guidance

Fantastic! D’arby was very helpful in providing constructive feedback on my project, as well as guidance for how best to move forward. I felt even more inspired with my work after speaking with her and would be very happy to work with her again.

– Coady, Creative Consultation for Video Project

Credits and Gratitude

Website Admin: Gwen Harlow aka Mom <3
Business Plan Building Support: My Friends <3

Home page:
Photo 1 credit: Arabella Anderson <3
Photo 2 credit: Michelle Terris
Photo 3 credit: Color Film
D’arby Rose logo: Valentina Figueroa

About page:
Photo credit: Egla Tadesse
Bio Consultant: Chelsea Davis

Services page:
Photo credit: Michelle Terris