We all deserve safety and to be included in each job we take on. Together, let’s make that happen.

These services equip folks with effective communication skills, confidence-building techniques with our own neurodivergence, and strategies for navigating workplace dynamics.

These services are for individuals seeking guidance and support in how to self-advocate through setting and implementing boundaries in their workplace. All (dis)comfort levels of boundary setting are welcome.

This work is customized for, but not limited to, neurodivergent/neurospicy folks. Additionally, this work is for folks who are fighting or joining the fight to dismantle capitalism while surviving capitalism.

1:1 Guidance Package

Over a 3-month span, we’ll practice and implement boundaries to self-advocate authentically and efficiently within your workplace/career field in one-on-one sessions. 

Together we will:

  • Explore, set, implement and maintain boundaries
  • Grow your toolkit for self-advocating in (and out of) the workplace
  • Nourish your relationship with your own neurodivergence
  • Strengthen our relationship with our self within the context of community and anti-capitalism
  • Boost your voice (introverted-friendly!) and reclaim your space within your job/career field!

This package includes:

  • (12) 45-minute weekly 1:1 sessions
  • (1) 45-minute follow-up session 1 month after we wrap initial (12) sessions
  • Forever access to private and customized workbook full of exercises and resources that we’ll work through together and fully complete by the end of the 12 sessions!
  • M-F 10am-4pm support via email

Pricing: Sliding Scale $2,100 – $3,600 (Option to pay in full or in payments.)

Let’s Get Started!

I am also skilled and proficient in and offer consultations and basic trainings for the following software and applications (utilizing and integrating):

  • Documents – Spreadsheets, Word
  • Communication – Gmail, Slack, Discord
  • Project Management – Asana, Airtable
  • Video and Creative – Adobe Premiere, Canva
Inquire for pricing and more information

Services soon to come: 

  • Businesses seeking guidance in how to increase success and safety with their team through the power of boundaries and accountability.
  • Group boundary workshops
  • and more!

Amazing! Having D’arby to talk with and help problem solve has been indispensable. Having D’arby in your corner helps keep everyone safe and on track.

– Nicholas, Crew Assistance

D’arby went above and beyond during my 1-on-1 course. I learned an unbelievable amount in such a short time and I think that speaks to the passion she brings to empowering others while being completely REAL and approachable. Her energy is contagious and I can’t wait to apply what I’ve learned to my own projects and life! Will be recommending a course with D’arby to all the freelancers & creatives I know.

– Lola, Build Services & Rates Package Course

It was very informative with a quick turnaround. Very thorough with room to ask questions along with not being too overwhelming. Appreciated the next day follow up that also included PDFs and editable docs that was used during the session so I can go back reference anything I may have missed and/or forgotten.

– Tracy, Private Consultation

Excellent! She answered all of my questions and provided exceptional resources. I would highly recommend her services.

– Hazel, Employment Guidance

Fantastic! D’arby was very helpful in providing constructive feedback on my project, as well as guidance for how best to move forward. I felt even more inspired with my work after speaking with her and would be very happy to work with her again.

– Coady, Creative Consultation for Video Project

Photo credit: Michelle Terris